Cabbage Chinese Nagaoka F1

Botanical Name: Brassica rapa var. pekinensis

100 seeds
Availability: In stock
NZD 5.95

A most versatile and quick growing vegetable, delicious as cabbage or for use in salads. Its crisp, solid heart makes it an ideal and nourishing alternative to lettuce; as a cabbage its delicate flavour is well worth trying. Grows well in sun or partial shade.

We hope you enjoy these vegetable seeds, just another great example of  vegetable seeds from Mr Fothergill’s!

Product Specifications
How To Grow

Sow 6mm (quarter-inch) deep, in rows 30cm (1ft) apart. Sow seeds in their final growing positions. Keep soil moist. Thin out to 30cm (1ft) apart. Keep well watered, particularly in dry weather.

When To Plant

Late Summer through to Autumn.

Harvest 8-10 weeks
When to Sow/Plant Spring, Summer, Autumn

Our Seed Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied with these seeds Mr. Fothergill's will gladly replace them for free. Performance subject to growing conditions.

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