Pea Sugar Snap

Botanical Name: Pisum sativum

Availability: In stock
NZD 4.60

Picked young, the fleshy pods can be treated like French beans, cooked and served whole. Older pods should be stringed, but still cooked whole. Try serving the pods raw in a salad. A most worthwhile and versatile pea. Hardy annual.

We hope you enjoy these pea seeds, just another great example of vegetable seeds from Mr Fothergill's!

Plant Height: 1-1.5m

Product Specifications
How To Grow

Sow in flat trenches 15cm wide, and 5cm deep. Plant seeds into dark, damp well-prepared soil in a zig-zag fashion along the middle of the trench, allowing 7.5cm between them. Fill trenches with soil and gently firm down. Where more than one row of peas is required, allow 90cm between rows.

Provide a trellis for the peas to climb

Protect from birds with netting or black cotton during the early stages of growth. We advise using sticks or twigs to support the crop as this will make picking easier and improve yields.

Seedlings emerge 7-10 days. Keep well watered once germinated.

Additional fertliser is NOT required as legumes produce their own nitrogen.

Regular harvesting will result in prolonged yields.

When To Plant

Late Summer to Winter.

Harvest 14 weeks
When to Sow/Plant Spring, Autumn, Winter
Important Note These seeds may be treated with a fungicide (Thiram or Apron XL), do not eat the seeds or feed them to animals. Fungicide treatment is an AQIS requirement for certain varieties of seeds. It does not affect your crops or harm insects such as bees. If your packet has been treated it will be well marked with a warning and the seeds will be dyed a distinct colour.

Our Seed Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied with these seeds Mr. Fothergill's will gladly replace them for free. Performance subject to growing conditions.

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